Activities and Events This Week

Upcoming Events

Save your cardboard boxes! Youth Heartline will be hosting a box car drive-in event in Raton. Make and decorate your own car from a cardboard box and use it to come to our “Drive-in” movie night! Be sure to save your boxes from the holidays!
Date and details to be announced in 2025!
Public Service Announcement
Eagle Nest Lake Temporarily Closed Due to Unsafe Winter Conditions
Government – Colfax County
Colfax County Welcomes Newly Elected Officials as They Take Oath of Office
Government – City of Raton
The Raton Police Department is accepting applications for full-time Officer and Dispatch positions
Our Community
El Raton Media Works Receives Grant to Expand Youth Coding League in Raton, NM
2024-2025 Senior Spotlight
Moses Anthony Bueno
Ashton Lincoln Herrera
Law Enforcement
Officer Jordan Gemme Graduates from Police Academy
Raton Police Blotter
Colfax County Sheriff Blotter
8th Judicial Court Updates
Colfax County District Court Docket – Raton, NM
Colfax County Magistrate Court Docket – Raton, NM
Earth Corner by Pat Walsh – The Best Gift May Be An Experience!
Riding the Santa Fe Trail –What is the Point of Rocks?
Madi’s Kitchen – Snowball Cookies
Tech Time with Bryan – Arcade Style Game Controllers
Star Stories by Kelly Ricks – A New Constellation
Find the Differences – High Flying
Frank Mahannah Photos – A Christmas Carol
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