
Donate to The Ratonian to support communication and information for our community. The Ratonian doesn’t charge a subscription fee, but viewers can donate to help support this free news source online.

Reasons to donate:

Provides Economic Development

  • Adds jobs – Employs editors, writers, photographers, graphic artists, etc.
  • Provides positive information about the community that encourages other businesses to invest in Raton
  • Provides information to encourage our community to support our businesses, organizations, events, and more.

Accessible to Anyone with Internet Access

  • Does not require membership in social media
  • Posted for anyone to read, not dependent on seeing a post by a “Friend” or “Follower”
  • Is not dependent on a geographic area. Is truly world wide on the web
  • Is always “ON.” Searchable articles and posts that can be read anytime, not dependent on being heard during limited times of the day.

Ways to Donate:

Money in Hand

Click on graphic at left to donate through Square.

QR donation code

Scan the QR code to the left to donate through Square

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