Letters to the Editor

 The public has an opportunity to express their opinions and views on issues facing our community. Of course, there are a few rules:

  • No profanity
  • No personal attacks, the letter must address an issue or topic concerning the community, expressing the author’s view, and hopefully offering a solution or idea.
  • The letter to the editor must be signed by a real person – anonymous letters or letters signed by a fictitious name won’t be accepted, but the writer may request that their name be withheld to prevent any retaliation.
  • The Subject of the email should contain “Letter to the Editor”

DISCLAIMER: ‘Letters to the Editor’ is a platform for members of the public-at-large to express their personal views on current events. The views expressed in these letters do not reflect the views of The Ratonian. The Ratonian has no affiliation or attachment to any of the information, content, material, products or services included in the Letters to the Editor published and, subsequently, will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages that may incur.

September 1, 2024 Letter to the Editor

On August 13, 2024, the Colfax County Commissioners met for over 3 hours and during the last half of the meeting, discussed the recent removal and destruction of custom furniture in the former office of the County Clerk in the County Courthouse. The custom furniture was guessed to have been built into the courthouse corner office in the 1970’s. The space and the attached furniture were scheduled to be used by the Colfax County Treasurer’s Office. The furniture was attached to the walls and floors. Removing the property caused significant damage. At this time, there is no estimate of the dollar value of the custom furniture.

The County Manager recounted his experience of the afternoon of July 29, 2024 and provided clips from
security camera video showing a private vehicle leaving with county furniture in the back of a pickup. The
vehicle made three trips with office furniture off of County property. The County Manager texted repeatedly and emailed the County Clerk to return the equipment or the Manager would call the State Police. The furniture had been taken across town, obviously unloaded and then reloaded, onto a trailer pulled by a privately-owned silver pickup. The furniture was delivered in one trip to the County Clerk’s office across the alley from the Courthouse.

On August 13, 2024 the Commissioners heard the County Clerk’s explanation of how she was involved in the July 29, 2024 removal of the furniture from County property, and the return of the broken and unusable custom-built desks the same afternoon. A man, who was seated in the audience and did not identify himself, also gave a detailed description of his involvement. The County Clerk said that she got permission from Commissioner Mary Jane Kern to remove the furniture. Kern declined to comment “upon instruction of my attorney.”

It was recommended to the Commission to take $30,000 from the County Clerk’s office budget (public funds) to begin to replace and repair the damaged work area. The Commissioners voted to transfer, at this time, $10,000 in county funds from the County Clerk’s budget to the Treasurer’s budget to purchase new furniture and equipment for the third-floor corner office.

The elected County Clerk’s behavior is criminal, egregious and should be punished. The County Clerk’s
destruction of county property should be paid out of the County Clerk’s personal funds — not financed out of public funds.

Anonymous (as requested)

Editor’s Note: The Colfax County Commission meeting can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpKZPHSRoNM&t=9657s

December 5, 2023 Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I am seeking info regarding the lack of transportation options available to the residents of Raton. I know there is a senior shuttle available, but what about individuals who aren’t eligible for that service, such as the disabled or folks who prefer not to or can’t drive?

I can somewhat understand the lack of a public transportation system for a small town, but why is there no Uber, Lyft or taxi service available to fill that void? I’ve heard the city won’t allow at least Uber and Lyft, but would like clarification as to why, if this is true and perhaps you could share with both city and county what is available, if anything.

D Stetser

Posted December 17, 2023 – Editor’s Response

The question of public transportation has been raised at recent city commission meetings. It was pointed out that there is only one grocery store that is located on the south end of town, and that there are many elderly, and others that may not drive, or have a vehicle to drive and either have to walk the distance, or depend on others. However, the Commissioners all expressed their belief that Raton does not need public transportation. They believe that the Senior Center van takes care of the elderly need for transportation and that there are not enough others who need transportation to warrant spending any money on public transportation.

I suggest that a group of citizens, who want the city to address the lack of public transportation, to organize to research possible solutions and present those suggestions to the commissioners and the city manager at a regularly scheduled city commission meeting. The city commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 6:00 PM at City Hall, 224 Savage Avenue.

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