Sheriff’s Office Seeking Information

CCSO Toyota Tacoma

This Toyota Tacoma was located off of highway 72 on county road A-026. If you know who this belongs to please contact Raton central dispatch. Thank you for your assistance. At 575 445-2704

Information from Claudio Saenz, Jr., owner of stolen property

Posted 8/7/24 3:30 PM

Hello everyone. So on 8/4 or 8/5 our truck and trailer were stolen from the bottom of Lincoln St. in Raton NM. The truck was on the trailer. The truck was found at the school section in Yankee missing all 4 tires. We have not found the trailer. We are asking everyone to please help us locate it and or the tires from the truck. If you have home security system or cameras between Lincoln street and hwy 72 we ask that you please review them for those evenings. We don’t think they took it during the day but who knows. Cash reward. Thank you all.

Editor’s Note: Owner can be reached on Facebook – Claudio Saenz, Jr.

Claudio Saenz Jr
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