Raton Lodger’s Tax

The Raton Lodger’s Tax Board meets every third Wednesday at 3:30 PM in the Raton City Commission Chambers.

Raton’s Tax Revenue Shortfall and Event Innovations: A Lodgers’ Tax Advisory Board Update

Published September 21, 2024. As reported by Niko Ibanez

As summer ends, Raton navigates financial adjustments alongside vibrant community events. July’s financial report shows a collection of $59,602.67, nearly matching last summer’s figures but indicating a slight downward trend, with revenue currently falling short by approximately $33,000. Increased costs, including visitor center salaries and billboard expenses, contribute to the strain. However, the NM True grant provides some relief, and ongoing efforts to collect funds from lodgers are underway.

Event updates include the Santa Fe Balloon Rally, a signature event established in 2013. Despite flying only on Friday due to weather, it attracted significant attendance, including many out-of-state visitors. This year featured 13 pilots, the lowest ever, and marketing efforts included social media and physical advertisements. Plans are in place to maintain stipends for crew members in future rallies.

The Raton Balloon Rally, hosted by the Elks Lodge, featured a pancake breakfast fundraiser selling about 600 plates and drawing hundreds. While balloons flew only on Friday morning, the event generated substantial foot traffic throughout the weekend. A dedicated crew of around 20 gatekeepers managed the event, alongside three pilots and their crews who stayed for four nights. A local student from Trinidad High School won a logo design contest, adding a community touch.

Sponsorship played a crucial role, with propane provided by Borbon Propane and other local sponsors. In response to housing challenges faced by pilots, a letter was sent to registered lodgers encouraging discounts for crews and pilots, with plans to seek “host hotels” that will waive excess costs.

During July, the Biker Run to Raton Rally, organized by RtR LLC and the Lions Club, attracted 800-1,000 attendees over two days. Despite torrential rains impacting turnout, around 30 vendors reported positive outcomes, with refunds for those who did not meet sales expectations. The event generated approximately $25,000 in revenue, with $4,500 allocated for future donations to Raton-specific charities.

Marketing for the biker rally utilized social media, flyers, and the influence of AJ Bengoa, a leading motorcycle photographer and creator with Choppular Mechanics, who produced multiple promotional videos. This approach allowed the event to maintain visibility beyond the rally weekend.

Looking ahead, the organizers of the biker rally plan to address insurance concerns, with quotes for coverage ranging significantly. They are considering shifting the event format to a motorcycle show to attract favorable insurance rates and moving it away from monsoon season, potentially targeting Memorial Day weekend.

Both the Raton Balloon Rally and Biker Run highlight the community’s resilience and adaptability, emphasizing collaboration with local businesses and improving the overall experience for participants and spectators.

Photos by Niko Ibanez

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