Raton Pickleball

Raton Pickleball Brings Home Medals!

The Raton Pickleball Club played the Pueblo Dink and Smash tournament held at Pueblo Tennis Center on January 19, 20 and 21, bringing home a few medals! The following information was provided by team member Leslie Fernandez.

In Men’s Doubles 3.5 (ratings go 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 then pro) Silver medals went to JP Duran and Mo Ortiz (Saturday). Women’s doubles 3.0 Val Secora and Leslie Fernandez Silver medal (Saturday). Sunday: mixed doubles 3.5 Val Secora and Chris Saunders Silver Medal; Leslie Fernandez and MarLeo TanJaun gold medal. Over 75 participants each day in all categories. Between Saturday and Sunday events (women’s doubles, men’s doubles and mixed doubles) Raton pickleball had fourteen participants. Dan Soda, Sean Ridolfi, Dave Wright and Laurie McIlvaine, VpSecora, JP and Stephanie Jansen Duran, CeCe Neurauter, MarLeo TonJua, Leslie Fernandez, Mo Ortiz, Pablo Mendez, Chris Saunders and Michelle Trujillo.

Not shown in the group photo are: Dan Soda, Sean Ridolfi, Dave Wright and Laurie McIlvanie. To stay tuned to the Raton Pickleball visit the Raton Pickleball Club – Pepinillos Facebook Page or download the Team Reach App and use Code: 87740.

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