Library Holding Anime Poster Contest


Create an original Anime or Manga Poster in honor of National Anime Day April 15, 2024

  1. Original work only! No usage of copyrighted characters or concepts is allowed.
  2. Artwork must be created on 22×28 sized poster board.
  3. Artwork can be created with pencil, colored pencil, crayon, markers, pastels, chalk, pen, acrylic, watercolor, gouache, oil or a mixture of these medias.
  4. Artwork must be signed by the designer anywhere on the front of the artwork.
  5. Please, keep in mind this contest is for any age, so all materials should be family appropriate

Submissions will be taken on April 4, 2024 until 8 pm, at the library 244 Cook Avenue.  They will then be placed on display for judging and public view.   Each submission will receive a number tag, the day of announcement the submissions creator’s first name will be displayed with their submission.  All submissions will be displayed until April 26, 2024.  Submitters can retrieve their submissions any day after that during library’s open hours.  The winners will be announced on Monday, April 15, 2024.