Support Your Local Animal Shelter

There are SO many ways you can support Raton Humane society and help the voiceless animals of our community. Here’s just a few:

1. ADOPT, don’t shop! Our shelter – and most around the country – are PACKED full of beautiful animals needing a permanent home. If you can’t adopt, come ask about fostering – you can take a dog or cat home, provide it socialization in your home until it’s adopted. We pay for all the food and any necessary medical care. You provide the ❤️.

2. Organize a food drive with your civic or student organization – or do it on your own. We can ALWAYS use cat and dog food (wet and dry), any brand, any sized bag. Also, kitty litter, dog or cat treats and toys, ANYthing you think a doggie or cat may like. We use the food donations for our Food Bank (TEMPORARY help for folks who need a bit of help feeding their loved ones in order to keep their animals out of the shelter). We use everything else for the shelter animals in socialization and play time.

3. Doing some Spring Cleaning? We need sheets, blankets, comforters, dog/cat beds, towels to keep the kennels CLEAN and healthy for our residents! Anything but pillows (torn apart pretty easily!). Just leave them at the east door of the shelter if no one appears to be working. They’ll take them in the next person at the shelter.

4. Buy the wonderful book about Kenny – The Orphan Pup. $20 for this wonderful teaching book on care and compassion for ALL animals. All proceeds go to Raton Himane Society. The story is about our own Director’s life with Kenny. A beautiful read – for all ages.

5. Become a Member of Raton Humane Society. $5 per year, and you’ll be added to our membership emails that alert you to any and all volunteer opportunities and needs. Contact Barbara J. Bonahoom on FB.

6. We exist SOLELY on donations from YOU!! Whether it’s $5, $50 or $500, you know that every (tax deductible charitable donation) penny goes directly to the care of Raton’s homeless animals. No other costs – just the vet care and sheltering costs of the animals. Believe me when I tell you – it’s NOT easy (nor inexpensive) to do the things we do for the multitude of animals we see every day.

7. Have an animal lover celebrating a special day? Know an animal lover who has passed? What better gift than a MEMORIAL OR CELEBRATORY DONATION in their honor or their name. We will send a note to the person honored (not saying the amount, just that they were thought about by you!). We are honored when we see a family asking for donations to our organization when a loved one dies.

8. SHARE any and every post (including this one!) that makes you pause, smile, think about Raton’s homeless animals, or just…because. The more eyes on our Society – and on our adoptable animals – the more we can hope that SOMEDAY the Shelter will be….empty. The dream you can help us attain.

Information Provided by Leslie Fernandez on behalf of the Raton Humane Society
